Sunday, May 5, 2024

sunday 05

sunday 05



.image below: title: 'from years to months and back again' 





.dream: two ball and string objects, i put them on some shelves, end dream 



.image below: two ball and string objects 






.dream: on a train, looking at some images, they seem to be made just 

for me, end scene, 


.aunt in bunk bed, empty drawers, l.s on my right, end scene, 


.carrying m.s on my back in a room, women in headscarves, puzzles on floor, 

careful where i step, i put m.s down, she's big now, takes off bra and panties, 

sex, end scene, 


.large breasted woman in turkey, 'aay vakte' some kid says, end scene, 


.i almost break a guy's back, i do not, 'you work for me now' i tell him, 

he puts some keys on his lap, throws some on the ground, i pick up 

the keys from the ground, burn bucket, gloves, 


.i get up, in macedonia, knitted blanket becomes a pipe frame, connected to 

fishing line and orange blue handle, goes over to some people, kills them, 

i move away, 


.skatepark being built, people, i choose a lady who seems to be real, sit with 

her, talking, some lady below is sucking on a nipple, end dream 



.a - train with images                         b - bunk beds

c - me and empty drawers 


d - l.s                                                   e - carrying m.s on my back 

f - women in headscarves 

g - careful where i step                       h - put m.s down, bigger 


i - sex 

j - large breasted turkish woman 

k - guy with keys                                 l - burn bucket, gloves 


m - pipe frame 

n - fishing line                                      o - orange and blue handle 

p - people killed 


q - people                                              r - skatepark being built 

s - me and real lady 

t - nipple sucking 




.image below: bunk beds and empty drawers 





.image below: keys 





.image below: pipe frame with fishing line and handle 





.image below: skatepark being built 











.nap dream: skateboard shop, decks, decks and wheels, end dream 





.wake up




.image set below: title: 'yellow on many colors' 




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