Friday, May 17, 2024

friday 17

friday 17



.image below: title: 'recovering from the <time scales> image set' 





.dream: death and destruction outside, people getting smashed, people 

run under a porch and try and hide, end dream 






.dream: aunt tells me that me and brother are getting some kind of math award, 

ceremony starts at six, i'm not going, 


.walking on a street, people, 


.highway intersection and onramp area, 


.in a library, brother is going to awards ceremony, i'm not, 


.table of books, i grab one, astrology, go around to back corner area, 

guy, i start reading book, astronauts, end dream 



.a - me on chair with wheels 

b - aunt                                     c - walking on a street, uphill 


d - people walking down hill 

e - highway on ramp and intersection area 

f - in a library                          g - brother 


h - books on table 

i - guy in back corner              j - looking at book i grabbed 




.image below: book 















.wake up




.image below: title: 'unlike another similarity' 




.         6         46           4686846         4          84         8       66484       68      486     




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