Saturday, May 25, 2024

saturday 25

saturday 25



.image below: title: 'encapturement' 





.dream: i download something on my computer, t.l notices, in a room with d.a, 

we see some old video game ad in a magazine, four letters, some numbers, 

d.a searches the letters on google, then searches again with the numbers and letters, 


.he has some kind of strange browser, like a hand held sega game thing from 

the early nineties, two results pop up, he clicks on the one with the numbers and 

letters, downloads the game, t.l notices, this is a technological breakthrough, 


.t.l can now monitor all activity on all devices in the building, she 

goes to tell her boss, i go over to her, end dream 



.a - downloading something on my computer 

b - t.l registers my download on her computer 


c - me with d.a             

d - d.a downloads something on his computer 

e - t.l registers d.a's download and goes to inform her boss 


f - t.l coming at me 

g - my path 




.image below: internet search game download something 











.dream: foot, beetle, end dream 



.image below: beetle 






.dream: house from high school, brother is in mother's bedroom in a chair, i 

go into room, lay down on bed, mother lies down on bed, says she 

needs to get some allergy pills for four hundred fifty dollars, her 

body is heavy and the bed sinks down, mother gets up to go, end dream 



.a - hallway                         b - mother's bedroom 

c - brother in chair 


d - mother's bed                   e - me 

f - mother 




.image below: allergy pills 






.wake up 






.image below: title: 'name calling, crows in the park' 




.      4        34          3464634          3          63           6         44636        46         436      




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