Friday, May 31, 2024

friday 31

friday 31



.image below: title: 'on the peripheries of red' 





.dream: looking at two plants on a table, plant on left is big, not the focus, focusing 

in on the plant on the right, in a pot, like a jade plant, brown stalks, bottom green 

part is well hydrated, upper green part could use more water, dried out pine 

needles coming out the top, 


.realize i'm in a barracks room, mirror, boner, jerk off a bit, digital clock reads 

nine eighty one, can't be right, look again, nine twenty one, 


new roommate enters, put my dick away, guy goes over to a table, opens 

up his military duffle bag, puts a bunch of clothes on table, we're in language school, 

some new military language school, i ask guy what his language is, 'farsi' he says, 

he's likely here for a refresher, 


.my language is korean and i haven't graduated, no one at this school has 

ever graduated from the korean program, 


.i ask the guy where the exchange is, i points left out the window, i need 

to go left then make another left, need to get food, store likely closes at 



.view outside window, raining outside, end dream 



.a - barracks room                     b - two plants on table 

c - mirror 


d - digital clock                         e - door, new roommate enters 

f - new roommate's bed 

g - my bed                                 h - other roommates bed 


i - new roommate at table 

j - clothes folded in military style 

k - window and direction to exchange store 




.image below: plants on table 





.image below: digital clock readout 





.image below: clothes on table 





.image below: raining outside 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'memory' 




.         3        23        2363623        2        62         6     23326      36       362     




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