Wednesday, May 22, 2024

wednesday 22

wednesday 22



.image below: title: 'pinks with bright teal on black' 





.dream: swimming pool, i swim around then climb out, 


.in an office with a lady, computer log in, howard stern on tv, ninja turtles, 


.i'm drawing images of the ninja turtles for my brother, end scene, 


.running outside, dark, supermarket, a couple guys bumming around, one guy 

runs behind me, i know he won't be able to keep up, he's out of shape, doesn't 

run much, fence, gate, getting light out, two working men on the right, 


.i point out the guy behind me, say he could use a job, the guy doesn't want 

the job, three thirty is too early, now the guy passes me on a bike, 


.a truck towing a six seat fishing trailer is coming towards me, interrupts my 

running, i stop, truck turns to my left, speeds me up, running again, 


.running, carrying a tv remote in each hand, vehicle passes me on right, seems 

to film me, 


.in a house now, going up some stairs, foot hole, swing legs over hand rail, 

look behind me, some guy on lower stairs, on upper level now, headed to 

my room, end dream 



.a - swimming pool                     b - office 

c - howard stern and ninja turtles on tv 


d - ninja turtle drawing 

e - running outside                      f - guys outside supermarket 

g - fence, gate 


h - two working men                   i - field 

j - guy passes me on a bike 

k - truck and six seat fishing trailer 


l - running with two remotes 

m - vehicle films me                     n - house 

o - stairs up 


p - guy behind me on lower stairs 

q - path to my room 




.image below: ninja turtle drawing 





.image below: working men scene 





.image below: truck and fishing trailer 





.image below: tv remote controllers 





.image set below: stairs event description 



.a - stairs up                     b - hand rail 

c - foot hole 


d - no foot holes 

e - i swing my legs over hand rail, right then left 

f - upper area                   g - intended path to my room 










.wake up




.image below: title: 'bran muffin paradise, warm moist and fluffy' 




.        3        23        2393923        2         92         9      32399      39        392      




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