Saturday, May 4, 2024

saturday 04

saturday 04



.image below: title: 'from months to weeks and back again' 





.dream: in a farm house, getting ready to go to the swiss alps and meet a.h and g.h, 

cat in my backpack, i put on a teal colored rain tarp, check my backpack to 

ensure i left it open a bit for the cat to breathe, cat has head poking out top of bag, 


.go outside, ice and snow, mother calls to me, says she'll drive me to the alps, i 

tell her no, i tried calling four times, no answer, called again, no answer, i'm 

going by myself, me and the cat in my bag, 


.fly up, bag seems lighter, worried about cat, land on snowy ground, open bag, 

large grey cat falls out, its hip is injured, can't move, a smaller black cat approaches, 

the two cats to a cat paw fist bump, end dream 



.a - farm house                             b - me by couch 

c - outside 


d - icy field, one missed phone call 

e - i fly up briefly                        f - land back down 


g - cat from my backpack, grey 

h - other cat, black 

i - cat paw fist bump 




.image below: me with backpack and rain tarp 





.image below: cat in bag 





.image below: cat paw fist bump 















.dream: phantom baseball, a guy is hitting white plastic bags, should be people 

running around the bases, end scene, 


.side room, three people shooting hoops, mother, n.s and pro skater eric koston, 

koston is doing good, blue and red ball of yarn on couch, end scene, 


.boner competition, two guys are sitting on floor, they have five minutes to get all 

their farts out, then the boner competition begins, guy on left farts, guy on 

right does not fart, people line up behind the two guys, 


.once the competition begins the two guys are to get boners, then the people 

will start to hit them in the shoulders, the first guy to fart to whose dick 

goes soft looses, end scene, 


.brother, particular odor, wheat, end scene, 


.three naked ladies are walking around on a guy's private ranch, someone 

is filming them, they're surprised, hold up a blanket, put on pants, then 

they present themselves to the camera, one lady goes by the name of 

'leela biciwa', end dream 




.a - phantom baseball on lacrosse field 

b - three people shooting hoops 


c - yarn on couch, glass jar 

d - boner competition scene 


e - fart guy                               f - no fart guy 

g - me and brother                   h - three women on ranch 




.image below: phantom baseball and basketball 





.image below: boner competition 





.image below: three ladies on ranch 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'many colors on yellow' 




.         7        07        0797097        0         90        9      07709         79        790     




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