Thursday, May 2, 2024

thursday 02

thursday 02



.image below: title: 'from days to hours and back again' 





.dream: on a ferry boat, outside upper deck, pulling into port, country side, i look at 

dock as we're pulling in, boat shakes a bit, i run down stairs, leave boat, come right 

back on, 


.running on upper deck, inside, stairs down, start to go down, female showers down 

here, i come back up, some lady recognizes me, end dream 



.a - ferry boat                             b - country side dock 

c - outside upper deck                d - boat shakes


e - stairs down 

f - i leave boat, on dock             g - come back onto boat 

h - platform in boat 


i - inside boat, upper deck 

j - stairs down to female showers 

k - some lady who recognizes me 




.image below: stairs down to female showers 






.dream: small black cat, san francisco skateboard deck, 'en masse' it says, end scene, 


.outside, three cadillacs, one is done, one almost ready, one just getting started, 

guy, inside now, lady showering in room, stairs up, skateboard deck shaped 

like a guitar, one image on one side, two images on other side, end scene, 


.in a garage, lying down, looking up at ceiling, slamming sound, m.k and 

some guy begin to kung fu fight, m.k is using a kung fu tunnel wind technique and 

is breaking every bone in the guy's body, i'm looking up at some panel on ceiling, 

red lights indicating the kung fu wind tunnel technique, end scene, 


.study group, biology class, i ask about the syllabus, pull out the text 

book, every one gets ready to leave, some guy has run off with my 

skateboard, blue wheels, i go and get it back, end dream 



.a - small black cat                         b - me 

c - san francisco skateboard             d - three cadillacs 


e - guy 

f - lady showering in room               g - stairs up 

h - guitar skateboard 


i - me in garage                                 j - m.k and guy fighting 

k - garage exit 

l - lights on panel on ceiling             m - study group 


n - me at table 

o - biology text book (three) 

p - guy with my skateboard 




.image below: san francisco skateboard and cadillacs





.image below: guitar skateboard and lights on ceiling panel 





.image below: biology text book 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'on the brighter side of yellow' 




.       9        79         7909079        7         07         0      79907        90         790     




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