Tuesday, May 28, 2024

tuesday 28

tuesday 28



.image below: title: 'brickly bricking brick' 







.                https://dddurbfive.wixsite.com/dddurb5w/post/dream-28-may-2024




.dream: fine dining restaurant, talk of a sex party in switzerland, a guy gets into an 



.swimming pool, high dive board, a lady jumps into the pool, flips and spins and 

lands feet first in water, i swim across the pool, some lady comes up to me, 

body contact, she climbs up on my legs and asks about my ankle wound, 

i tell her it will be better in a week, 


.i have some kind of laminated check sheet, yellow-orange, some five 

checks something, includes dental, end scene, 


.an orange cat rests on my bare stomach, 


.movement up to a tv, program, kids in a field with bows and arrows, they're 

spinning the bows to defend their property, then everybody shoots their 

arrows into an empty field, cloudy smoke, 


.people emerge from the white smoke, one kid has a wrinkled face and 

just inherited a bunch of money, 'we need to watch him very very closely' 

someone says, 'i've got my own thing going' the wrinkled face kid says, 

end dream 



.a - fine dining restaurant 

b - elevator                             c - swimming pool 


d - lady jumps in water from high dive 

e - i swim across pool 


f - lady on my legs in pool 

g - orange cat on my bare stomach 

h - stuff on tv                          i - kids with bows and arrows defending their property 


j - arrows shot into empty field 

k - clouds of smoke                 l - kid with wrinkled face 




.image below: swimming pool scene 





.image below: laminated check sheet 





.image below: orange cat





.image below: bow and arrow and wrinkled face kid 







.                https://dddurb6r.wordpress.com/2024/05/28/dream-28-may-2024/




.wake up





.traffic-event near-miss incident-report:


.< ... actively avoided confrontation, 


.remained calm, 


.said 'sorry' and then 'thanks for not killing me' >


.end report



.image below: title: 'not today' 




.     2       12         1232132         1         31         3       22313       23       213       




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