Sunday, May 12, 2024

sunday 12

sunday 12



.image below: title: 'from days to weeks and back again' 





.dream: swimming pools, circular time, end dream 



.a - arab men in swimming pool 

b - circular time                             c - reflection of 'a' 


d - me inside 

e - chinese women in pool 


f - chinese lady comes in from pool 

g - chinese lady talking, may be named 'fae'




.image below: dream map 






.dream: big lady on stairs, pink shoes, end dream 



.a - stairs up                         b - me 

c - activity in hall below 

d - large woman                   e - pink nike shoes 




.image below: pink nike shoes detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'side onion, confusing' 




.           7        37       3707037         3        03         0       77030        70        370     




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