Monday, May 27, 2024

monday 27

monday 27



.image below: title: 'adjacent brick redundant' 















.dream: outside house from elementary school, aunt is collecting flex pens, end scene, 


.in a french restaurant, toe ring on the floor, end scene, 


.house from elementary school, naked, eating an oversized egg, brother and 

his friend at table, i finish eating and go downstairs, end scene, 


.red haired person doing pullups, i interact with them then move along, 

wearing black boots, sliding like i'm roller skating, then 

like i'm downhill skiing, skier approaches, i do two spins, then a flip, 

end scene, 


.brother, bunk beds, wooden ladder, brother holds ladder and mentions 

sand, end dream 



.a - aunt with flex pens 

b - me                                 c - me in french restaurant 


d - left foot big toe ring on floor 

e - some lady next to me 

f - waiter                              g - me eating oversized egg 


h - brother and his friend, s.b 

i - red haired person doing pull-ups 

j - acting like i'm roller skating 


k - acting like i'm downhill skiing 

l - two spins, flip                  m - skier guy 


n -wooden bunk beds, ladder 

o - brother                             p - me 




.image below: toe ring and flex pens 





.image below: left-foot big-toe ring, solid white in color with slit down the middle 





.image below: oversized egg and pullups 





.image below: bunk beds and ladder 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'soda pop on the mind' 




.       5        35          3565635          3          63          6          53356       56         365      




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