Thursday, May 16, 2024

thursday 16

thursday 16



.image below: title: 'seconds and centuries' 





.dream: ...


.power plant startup was late, several minutes past seven thirty, end scene, 


.dive gear, tanks, hoses, need to set them up, taking too long, commanding 

officer arrives, ... 


.modified army uniforms, bathroom guy, door lady and someone else, end dream 



.a - forest, trees                     b - corkscrew movement down in vehicle 

c - manhole cover 


d - power plant start up, late 

e - dive gear, tanks, hoses 


f - pool                                 g - me setting up dive gear 

h - navy seal commanding officer 

i - guy, oversized thumbtacks 


j - three people, modified army uniforms 

k - actual location of 'j' 




.image below: trees in forest, vehicle path down and manhole cover 





.image below: dive tanks and hoses 





.image below: oversized thumbtack 





.image below: modified army uniforms 






.dream: parking garage, cleaning lady behind a screen is wiping the wall with 

a greenie, i move along, 


.new apt key, dog, end dream 



.a - me in parking garage 

b - cleaning lady behind screen 


c - apartments                         d - room i already had key to 

e - manager lady's apartment 


f - upper level                          g - just got key to this room 

h - dog in bed in other apartment 










.wake up




.image below: title: 'likeness of another other' 




.       5         45        4585845          4        84           8          45488          58          485     




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