Friday, May 10, 2024

friday 10

friday 10



.image below: title: 'from months to years and back again' 











.dream: on the top of a dry grassy hill, standing up, brother is sitting below me, 

i start to teach him how to move his hands so as to fly, like he's controlling a 

plane, figure eight motion, back and forth, 


.brother gets up, 'watch this' he says, slides down concrete road on right, slides 

on slanted curb then is launched up into air, flies into a forest with tall thin trees, 

breaks several of them and then falls down hard on the forest floor, 


.i run down to intersection to check on him, guy in a car gets out, 

'call nine one one' i tell the guy and point up the hill, guy heads off 

in that direction, tells me i'm on the corner of twentieth and third, 


.i go over to check on brother, his spine may be broken, end dream 



.a - me on dry grassy hill 

b - brother sitting                     c - hand motions, teaching brother how to fly 


d - road down hill, concrete 

e - slanted curb                         f - brother slides down road and onto curb 

g - brother launches up into air 


h - tall skinny trees                   i - brother falls down hard 

j - guy in car 

k - i tell him to call nine one one 

l - corner of twentieth and third, i go to check on brother 




.image below: sequential dream map 





.image below: dream map with intersection notated 











.dream: ... refer to labels ... 



.a - me in my current bedroom 

b - homeless guy in wall                         c - window 


d - guy who thinks he lives where i do 

e - casserole on stove top                        f - bed 


g - about to write some notes 

h - tv 

i - guy with video game, possibly stolen 




.image set below: casserole on stove top and video game detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'hello to blue' 




.       3        23         2393923          2         92          9       29332        39        329        




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