Saturday, May 11, 2024

saturday 11

saturday 11



.image below: title: 'from weeks to months and back again' 















.dream: outside with a dog, thick brown storm clouds rolling in, dog touches my 

shoulder indicating it's time to go, 


.enter house, go upstairs, putty, dogs smells over to end of hall, jumping, 

finds exit, people under porch, lady in black dress, dead, i take dress 

to use as a sun shield, road, tricycle, traffic, end dream 



.a - me and dog outside, dog's left paw on my right shoulder 

b - thick storm clouds moving in 


c - basement of house                         d - dummy door, dead end 

e - door to stairs up                             f - stairs up 


g - two large buckets of construction putty 

h - empty side room with window to outside 

i - dog jumping at end of hall, pull down clothing rack 


j - people under porch outside             

k - dead lady in black dress                  l - smoggy city in distance 

m - dog running down road in front of me 


n - me on red motor tricycle with pedals 

o - vehicles, traffic 




.image set below: dream map  





.image below: storm clouds and smoggy city 





.image below: me and dog 





.image below: buckets of putty and black dress 





.image below: motorized tricycle 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'the mystery of that which is the onion' 




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