Wednesday, May 29, 2024

wednesday 29

wednesday 29



.image below: title: 'inadvertent internet hot-spot power-test' 











.dream: not a skate ramp, two large grey plastic container boxes, two guy are 

treating it like a half pipe, i move along, skate ramps, orientation is off by ninety 

degrees, the whole ramp structure could shift ninety degrees to the right, 

more skate ramps in the distance, i move along, 


.atop a large stereo system pillar, pillar is covered by a grey blanket, blanket 

slips a bit, two guys below, i move along, left turn, 


.blue room area, broken tv, i unplug it from the wall, carry it with me, 

mention there's no circuit board, some lady points out that there is 

one circuit board, 


.some guy is running behind me, i rip his arm off and throw it back at him, 

i keep running, end scene, 


.f.r is swimming in water, high cliffs on either side, end scene, 


.military duffle bags on the street, i'm in a room, my bag still needs to 

be inspected by the officer, a ship sets out to sea, end dream 



.a - not a skate ramp, plastic boxes 

b - skate ramps                         c - more skate ramps in distance 


d - blanket over stereo equipment 

e - two guys                               f - left turn 

g - broken tv in blue room 


h - arm guy                                 i - me running 

j - hall way, high walls, possibly a cliff    

k - f.r swimming                         l - military duffle bags on road outside 


m - my duffle bag 

n - inspecting officer                    o - ship sets sail 




.image below: ramp and not a ramp 





.image below: stereo pillar with grey blanket and two guys 





.image below: broken tv in blue room 





.image below: military duffle bag 











.wake up


.gym (comic book)


.image below: title: 'summer time vegetable fantasy' 




.     4         14       1404014         1         01         0        44010       40       401      




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