Monday, May 13, 2024

monday 13

monday 13



.image below: title: 'from hours to days and back again' 















.dream: in a room, a lady comes in with a tray of potatoes, potatoes are 

starting to mold, gives me the tray, i go over to counter, end scene, 


.in g.h's house, six windows with white paper blinds, i pull up the blinds on 

a window, windy outside, end scene, 


.walking on the street, the bus i need to catch is leaving, i knock on the 

door, bus leaves, i grab it, bus carries me for awhile, i let go, bus drives up 

on curb then makes a u-turn, 


.another bus comes up to me, stops, white in color, the first bus was blue, 

lady driver of white bus opens door, i grab some frozen meat, leave area, 


.carrying the frozen meat, go to restaurant back door, ring bell, lady says 

restaurant is closed, it's sunday at four pm, i give her the meat for later, 

end scene, 


.in a restaurant, gold socks on my feet, ankle high, ankle low, a lady 

has the same socks, end dream 



.a - lady with tray of potatoes 

b - counter                                 c - in g.h's house 


d - six windows 

e - windy outside                       f - bus forty eight 


g - another bus forty eight (forty one) 

h - me, get frozen meat 

i - give meat to restaurant lady 


j - in a different restaurant, gold socks 

k - lady with same gold socks 




.image below: dream scenes 





.image below: potatoes 





.image below: windows 





.image below: bus scene, get meat





.image below: restaurant back door scene, give meat 





.image below: gold socks 






.wake up






.image below: title: 'upside down onion, perplexing' 




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