Wednesday, May 8, 2024

wednesday 08

wednesday 08



.image below: title: 'from decades to centuries and back again' 





.dream: flying, people flying behind me, following me, foreign military police below 

on left, going to thailand, need to make it over the continental shelf first, i fly up, 

bushes on right, people behind me can't make it, they fall away, 


.flying forwards, tall tree, grab it with my right foot, another tall tree, grab it 

with right foot, i land, tree falls over, walking, hot chili powder on square white plate, 

small spoon, take a bite, hot, one spoon full is two bites, end scene, 


.outside restaurant, talking with j.d, he puts something in his soup, splash, j.d apologizes, 

i ask him about ping pong in the philippines, he says he can make six dollars an 

hour cleaning ping pong tables during the competition, i ask him if he can 

compete, no, the competition for playing ping pong in the philippines is 

too steep, he's not that good, end dream 



.a - flying, people behind me 

b - foreign military police                         c - continental shelf (high bushes)


d - people behind me fall away 

e - tall tree                                                 f - another tree, falls down 

g - i land 


h - walking                                                 i - hot chili powder 

j - outside restaurant 

k - me                                                         l - j.d 

m - other people at tables 




.image below: continental shelf scene 





.image below: chili powder 





.image below: outside restaurant 















.a short comment on the works of dddurb:


.            'a whirlwind of words and phrases that make no sense to the common reader' 





.wake up






.image below: title: 'what about blue ...' 




.         3       13       1373713      1        71         7          13317       37       137 




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