Thursday, May 30, 2024

thursday 30

thursday 30



.image below: title: 'on the peripheries of green' 











.dream: person on my toilet, seems to be an alien disguised as my aunt, brown 

eyes, end scene, 


.in a house, dog, 


.device, candy, three little pieces, numbers, end scene, 


.n.s in his shin guards on the sidewalk getting ready for a soccer game, end scene, 


.people sleeping on the street wake up, mural on wall, b.g in the distance, 


.b.g on a video screen, n.s on the ground in a green camo blanket, he 

makes a phone call, SPU applebees something, end scene, 


.some guy is trying to open a closet, i move my bag on the floor, end scene, 


.ejaculate into a toilet, end dream 



.a - me and brown eyed figure in bathroom 

b - dog in house                             c - device with candy 


d - numbers 

e - n.s getting ready to play soccer 

f - people sleeping on the street 


g - mural on wall                             h - b.g 

i - b.g on video 

j - n.s making phone call                  k - me with my bag near closet 


l - some guy 

m - ejaculating in toilet 




.image below: brown eyes, candy in device and numbers 





.image below: phone call 






.dream: enter into a building, comic book convention is wrapping up, i leave, 

getting ready to run outside, put shoes on, go back into building, 

convention is over, go back outside, 


.by my car, books, japanese, some lady is ready a japanese book, 

'is that japanese' i ask her, 'i know, huh' she says, i have some 

japanese books, we trade, one is in chinese, lady isn't interested in 

chinese, lady leaves in her car, 


.red truck filled with books, turn back to my honda, cleaning stuff off 

roof, put a bunch of scrap papers in box in car, aunt starts to drive off, 

my razor and tooth brush still on roof, i tell her to stop, end dream 



.a - comic book convention in building 

b - getting ready for a run                 c - back in building 


d - comic book convention is over 

e - go back outside                             f - lady with japanese book 

g - me by car 


h - trade books with lady                    i - lady gets in car and leaves 

j - red truck with books inside 

k - aunt driving off in my car, my stuff still on roof of car 




.image below: books in red truck 





.image below: japanese books and paper in cardboard box 






.wake up


.bicycle, skateboard


.image below: title: 'don't remember' 




.       4       34        3484834        3         83        8      48433        48       384     




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