Tuesday, May 7, 2024

tuesday 07

tuesday 07



.image below: title: 'from centuries to decades and back again' 







.                https://dddurbfive.wixsite.com/dddurb5w/post/dream-07-may-2024




..dream: possibly on a train, food on table, pro boxer mike tyson, 


.outside now, two large yellow gate arms above me, i jump up and 

grab gate arm on right, some lady thinks i may be pro swimmer michael 

phelps, right turn, fence, dirt and gravel lot, end scene, 


.in an office building, side room, couch, reading a magazine, go 

around to main area, sit at desk, lady, i'd like to buy or lease a car, 

'leasing is more expensive in the long run' the banker lady says, 


.now i'm in the basement, coming up stairs, holding two small 

blue bean bags, the banker lady sees me and is pissed, she 

wants the bean bags, i say i'm taking them with me, tell 

her to call security, 


.lady calls security, i wait by exit doors, tossing up the one 

bean bag in my right hand, security guard approaching, tall, 

the banker lady is furious, 'break his tiny little hands' she 

calls out to the security guard, 


.guard is right in front of me, i hand him the two blue bean bags 

and exit the building, 


.outside, approach a shelf with foreign language books, guy and lady, 

book one, punjabi, middle pages are blank, book two somali, 

spelled 'saamaali', 


.up on the highest shelf on the right is a holy book, the holy koran, 

black leather binding, gold text, i pick up the book, the guy on the right 

immediately goes to sleep on a couch, 


.i open up the book to a page in the middle, briefly read passage, 

the word for 'today' stands out to me, 


.i say to the lady in black on the left 'normally the word for today is ...', 


.'imruz' the lady says, 


.'but here the word is 'beydatun' ' i say, 


.lady comments on the language used, i put the book back, 

lady tells sleeping guy it's ok to wake up, end dream 



.a - building, possibly a train 

b - food on table                         c - pro boxer mike tyson 


d - outside 

e - yellow gate arms                   f - some lady 

g - fence, dirt and gravel lot 


h - office building                       i - me in side room 

j - me at desk, lady 

k - downstairs area                     l - stairs up 


m - me at doors 

n - security guard                        o - outside 

p - book shelf                              q - lady 

r - guy falls asleep 




.image below: yellow gate arms 





.image below: bank scene 





.image below: blue bean bags and foreign language book shelf 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2024/05/07/dream-07-may-2024/




.wake up




.image below: title: 'conclusion in yellow' 




.                 7         37        3797397         3         93         9       73993        79        397    




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