Sunday, May 26, 2024

sunday 26

sunday 26



.image below: title: 'current pulsing flowment' 











.dream: room in a private university in hawaii, two guys by the front board, i 

go over to a rubber ice sheet, throw it down a dirt hill, wearing a university 

uniform, khaki pants, blue suit coat, 


.i'm here for an interview, music playing, i don't recognize it, guy 

holds up a sheet of paper, name of my apartments is highlighted, end scene, 


.outside a house, green grass, i tell my brother we should jump on the trampoline, 

brother agrees, yellow foam thing, orange shark butterfly flies by, 


.n.s is changing into his trampoline clothes, shorts and t-shirt, m.s is 

in her bathing suit and jumping in the grass, she doesn't seem to realize that 

the trampoline is on the other side of the house, end dream 



.a - private university classroom 

b - me                                     c - two guys 

d - board 


e - rubber ice sheet                 f - dirt hill down 

g - house 

h - trampoline in yard 


i - shark butterfly and yellow foam thing 

j - m.s jumping in grass, n.s changing clothes 

k - my path 




.image below: university uniform and rubber ice mat 





.image below: yellow foam thing and orange shark-butterfly 






.dream: in a room, chinese president xi jing ping is on my right, trying to 

speak to him in chinese, not doing very well, he comes over to autograph something 

for me, signs his name on a napkin, leaves, i open a drawer, coin in drawer, 

end scene, 


.mental hospital, lead nurse's shift is ending, she's going around hugging people, 

i'm naked with a bit of a boner, she comes over for a hug, i flip my dick up 

in between her tits, stimulating my penis between her breasts, she's wearing a 

red shirt with stripes, 


.'i wish it was a little bit bigger' she says, 


.'i'm still growing up' i say, 


.'well, grow up then' she says, end scene, 


.looking at a computer, video, daily routine of a porn starlet, early morning, topless 

on the elliptical machine, kicking a punching bag, two guys fighting, mirror 

cracks, ceiling caves in, end computer video, 


.in a barracks room, wearing a white robe, some guy comes in, he's moving in, i 

go to sink, cleaning lady has put a new roll of toilet paper on sink, 


.i look into a closet, two more guys moving in, i move all my stuff over to 

my bed, i was planning on jerking off but now i have too many roommates, 

might need to jerk off outside, 


.some guy is playing a super mario video game, end dream 



.a - me                             b - chinese president xi jing ping 

c - dresser of drawers 


d - coin in drawer           e - people 

f - door 

g - mental hospital 


h - me with partial boner          

i - lead nurse in red shirt 

j - computer, porn starlet's daily routine 


k - barracks room             l - mirror 

m - other part of room, more beds 

n - sink, new roll of toilet paper 


o - closet for two              p - beds 

q - my bed                         r - guy playing super mario 




.image below: xi jing ping's autograph and coin in drawer 





.image below: nurse's red shirt 





.image below: toilet paper and super mario video game 


.note: i adjusted the time player on the game, moved it forwards, end note 






.wake up


.run outside (two notebooks)


.image below: title: 'the beginning of a story' 




.         7        47        4797947        4        94        9       77949       79          749      




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