Sunday, May 19, 2024

sunday 19

sunday 19



.image below: title: 'almost recovered from the <time scales> image set' 





.dream: climb up a ladder, onto upper space, a.h comments on my body weight, 

on a ferry boat, mother and aunt have been eating a lot and gaining weight, 


.mother gained thirty pounds, she climbs up on a wheeled chair in a kneeling 

position, gets down, aunt starts to climb up on same chair, brother and 

me and y.h go into a side room, 


.brother wants y.h to review aunt's weight gain paperwork on the bus, she 

agrees, i have a piece of corn bread, end dream 



.a - ladder up, body weight 

b - ferry boat                             c - window 


d - mother gained thirty pounds, kneeling on wheeled chair 

e - aunt gained weight, getting up on chair 


f - side room with brother and y.h 

g - y.h agrees to look at papers on bus 




.image below: ladder and corn bread 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'AI pee-bot, pee' 




.         6        16       1686186        1         81        8        66181       68      618       




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