Tuesday, April 30, 2024

tuesday 30

tuesday 30



.image below: 'from minutes to seconds and back again' 





.dream: walking in an attic area, turn, g.h, end scene, 


.auditorium, people, i get up from seat, a naturalistic healing ceremony is 

being performed, s.h is rubbing oil on some lady, i'm next to e.b, 


.mr nagasaki is a japanese spy and is trying to get info on the atom bomb from 

the americans, he's wearing a white suit and walks down the stairs, i follow him, 

look to my right, books, i grab a set of disney goofy books, eight, go back to back of 

room, the a-team has arrived, tapping their feet, i walk back down stairs, 


.portuguese tourist book, russian language learning plaque, end dream 



.a - g.h                             b - auditorium 

c - i get up from seat 


d - naturalistic healing ceremony 

e - mr nagasaki                f - get goofy book 


g - a team arrives 

h - portuguese tour book 

i - wooden russian language learning plaque 




.image below: auditorium scene 





.image below: mr nagasaki's white suit 





.image below: disney goofy book set 







.                https://dddurbfive.wixsite.com/dddurb5w/post/dream-30-apr-2024




.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2024/04/30/dream-30-apr-2024/




.wake up




.image below: 'the yellow scales' 


.note: above scale courtesy of kleki, below scale courtesy of sketchpad, end note 




.       6        26           2676276         2          72         7         66272      67      627       




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