Wednesday, April 10, 2024

wednesday 10

wednesday 10



.image below: title: 'pink and blue on white' 





.dream: bus something, building something, end scene, 


.begin alien abduction, 


.in a room with n.s, s.p and b.m, minds are connecting, s.p gets real close, wart on 

his finger, i can feel it infecting me, go to bathroom, ointment, cream, all better, 


.at a table, invitation to other area, need to make my bed, v.s helps me, 


.outside, put on shoes, 


.end alien abduction, 


.walking with n.s, he mentions something about a room full of guys rubbing their 

eyes, realize i've been abducted by aliens, 'what do those fucks want' i think to 

myself, end dream 



.a - mostly forgotten dream scene 

b - bus                                         c - building 


d - dream scene that occurred during alien abduction 

e - me, n.s, s.p and b.m               f - me in bathroom 


g - me at table                              h - making bed with v.s 

i - put on shoes outside 

j - alien abduction ends                k - walking with n.s 




.image below: wart on index finger detail 





.image below: shoes detail 















.wake up




.image below: title: 'triple word score - victor' 




.          3         23          2303023         2        02         0      22030       30         320      




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