Friday, April 19, 2024

friday 19

friday 19



.image below: title: 'black on green' 





.dream: school buildings, walking, put my skateboard under table, two small 

nuts missing, end dream 



.a - school building                             b - more buildings 

c - my path walking                            d - skateboard under table 

e - me 




.image below: skateboard and two small nuts detail 






.dream: on porch with brother and aunt, i'm in the middle, large whale shark in water 

below, end scene, 


.guy from the tv show 'mash', he's got an eyepatch, 


.large buddha netsuke materializes, someone sitting on its lap, 


.ancient cylindrical sailing map, reads 'boaoanke', end scene, 


.looking through my notes, end scene, 


.possible forgotten scene(s), end scene, 


.dojo, burning uniform, take it off my left foot, end scene, 


.in a korean family home, my and brother bow to the lady of the house, she's 

very pleased with our polite behavior, end dream 



.a - on porch with aunt and brother 

b - huge whale shark                         c - netsuke scene 


d - my notebook                                e - possible forgotten scene(s)

f - dojo, burning uniform                   g - korean family home 




.image below: dream scenes detail 





.image below: shadow of huge whale shark detail 





.image below: guy from tv show 'mash' detail 





.image below: ancient cylindrical sailing map detail 











.wake up 


.run outside (two notebooks) 


.image below: title: 'ancient knowledge' 




.       4        34         3464634         3       63         6       44636      46        436    




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