Wednesday, April 17, 2024

wednesday 17

wednesday 17



.image below: title: 'linear greens' 





.dream: electric fence, guy in blue, tippy toes, baseball, grooves in dirt, 


.field, kid on my back, lights go out, need to contact precinct seventy one, not 

gonna do it, 


.running on forest path, kid on back, two old cops with flashlights, stop, cops 



.house, kid has no shirt on, flexes muscles, muscular, lean, end dream 



.a - electric fence                             b - guy in blue 

c - me in field, kid on my back 


d - lights go out                                e - need to contact precinct seventy one 

f - forest path 


g - two old cops with flashlights 

h - house                                           i - muscle flex kid 




.image below: guy sliding under electric fence detail 





.image below: lights out in field detail 






.dream: apartment meeting, i'm asked to type, someone else does it, 

'electronico estaciones', end scene 


.a lady is reading, falling asleep, end scene, 


.skateboarding with j.e in garage, he tries a fakie kickflip, misses, i 

do a shuvit, yellow board, red wheels, end scene, 


.mother has the key to the van, end dream 



.a - apartment meeting                     b - me 

c - lady reading, falling asleep 


d - me and j.e skateboarding            e - me 

f - van 

g - mother with van key 




.image below: meeting minutes, skateboard and van key detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'almost recovered from the <triple word score> image set' 




.     8          38         3808038          3          03         0         88303       80         308      




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