Friday, April 5, 2024

friday 05

friday 05



.image below: title: 'beauty, incredible beauty' 











.dream: in current kitchen, three hot pockets in oven, two women on counter behind me, i take 

the hot pockets out of oven, check on them, cheese coming out, one lady asks how 

i know when they'll be done, 'experience cooking them' i respond, end scene, 


.in an elevator going down, ground floor, guy comes in, lower parking level, back 

up to ground floor, i get out, put my stuff down, lady behind a bar, i ask for books, 

letters P and T, lady gives me three small books, two for one letter, one for the other, 

i look at books, end scene, 


.in a room, books in case behind glass, i look at one grey book, something about 

book sellers discretion, i pick up book, spanish, go over to living room area, 

young lady reading on my left, older lady on right, older lady asks about my 

grandmother, i never met her, she died ten years before i was born, me and 

older lady leave area, end dream 



.a - me in kitchen                     b - two women 

c - oven                                     d - three hot pockets 


e - me and guy in elevator 

f - lower parking level               g - ground floor 

h - put my stuff down                 i - lady behind bar 


j - three small books 

k - books in case behind glass 

l - younger lady reading              m - me with book 


n - table                                        o - older lady 

p - me and older lady leave 




.image below: three hot pockets detail 





.image below: elevator scene detail 





.image below: living room scene detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'triple word score - quebec' 




.      4         34          3464634         3          63         6       44363        46        436       




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