Tuesday, April 23, 2024

tuesday 23

tuesday 23



.image below: title: 'complete and total lack of motivation' 





.dream: possibly in switzerland, aquarium wall, curved, balls in tubes, i lift it up a bit, try 

to make it do something, water spills out, i call flooding, on a sub now, go to lower area, 

h.t on a concrete skate ramp, he wants to be underway and contributing to the mission, 


.go back up, window, two guys, they ask me how many people died, zero, i just felt 

the need to call flooding because so much water spilt, 


.on a sub, i open window, transiting back to base, other subs going to base, small 

kayaks going out to sea, end dream 



.a - aquarium wall with balls in tubes 

b - water spills                             c - lower area, h.t on skate ramp 


d (right of 'd') - two guys in window 

d - on a submarine                        e - i open window 


f - other subs in water                   g - kayakers going out to sea 

h - submarine base 




.image below: aquarium wall detail 





.image below: subs and kayaks detail 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2024/04/23/dream-23-apr-2024/




.dream: hospital, medical supply room, bottle of antiseptic fluid and q-tip, other room 

with doctor, pop pimple on my back, brother goes in for his checkup, thirty minutes, i 

leave with friend's mom, a.s, and his sister, a.s, 


.riding in back right of car, small cooler, food, hot dog, ketchup and mustard, two 

more hotdogs, one's enough for now, turn right off main road, 


.come to house, blue, go inside, three young boys running around inside, playing, 

table, green ball, cracked, still bounces, end dream 



.a - hospital                             b - med supply room 

c - pop pimple                         d - brother's checkup 


e - me in car 

f - a.s, mother                            g - a.s, sister 

h - turn off main road 


i - house                                      j - green ball on table 

k - three young boys 




.image below: antiseptic fluid and q-tip detail 





.image below: hotdog and cracked green ball detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'seltzer bubbles' 




.     6         56         5686856         5         85         8       65568        68      658      




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