Thursday, April 4, 2024

thursday 04

thursday 04



.image below: title: 'complete and total lack of direction' 











.dream: walking onto a plane, aunt is in front of me, she sits by window and 

falls asleep, someone puts a blue blanket around me, perspective shift to the right, 

sitting on the plane, aunt is sleeping in seat in front of me, we're both in window 



.some lady in the back from north carolina has new fake tits, another lady asks her 

to show them off, she does so, the pilot comes back to take a look, he's not 

impressed, end scene, 


.riding in a car, country road, forty five speed limit, slight up hill, seventeen speed 

limit up ahead, car slows, stops, lacrosse field up on the right, women from 

north carolina on field, 


.ball goes over high fence, onto road, some guy goes after ball, now me and 

all the people from the plane are on the field, sidelines, the female lacrosse 

players slowly come into the bleachers, one lady with blonde hair has on a 

wild cats t-shirt, 


.they want us to come onto the field, people are hesitant, it's just practice, i 

go on field, weights, some weight training push frame something, i put on some 

weights, end dream 



.a - me on plane                         b - aunt sleeping 

c - lady exposing her chest 


d - pilot                                        e - in a car

f - lacrosse field                           g - ball goes over fence 

h - guy gets ball 


i - me on field                               j - ladies go to bleachers from field 

k - people behind me from plane 

l - putting weights on training frame thing 




.image below: blue airplane blanket and exposed chest detail 





.image below: lacrosse field scene detail 





.image below: weights and training sled on field detail 






.dream: in a hospital room, a nurse is preparing my meds, lots of pills, she needs a break, 

leaves room, end scene, 


.walking on a sidewalk, bare feet, down hill, almost floating, feet may be leaving 

wet footprints, some guy in front of me, end scene, 


.back in the hospital, a new nurse is by the counter, she has all my pills in a white paper 

cup and is about to take them all, about to kill herself, i stop the nurse, 


.tell her 'you live to serve me now, you'll work here and check in with the other 

nurse once a month, you'll have a hobby as well', 


.'what hobby...' she asks, 


.'crocheting' i reply, 'you'll crochet and watch tv after work' i say, 


.i look at her hand, finger tips are round and bulbous, like olives, i wave to her, leave room, 


.the nurse lives, end dream 



.a - me in hospital room 

b - nurse                             c - medications on counter 


d - walking on side walk 

e - some guy                       f - strip of grass 


g - road 

h - back in hospital room 

i - nurse with pills 




.image below: sidewalk scene detail 





.image below: pills in paper cup detail 





.image below: hand of nurse detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'triple word score - papa' 




.      5        35         3565365          3          63          6       55363         56         536      




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