Sunday, April 21, 2024

sunday 21

sunday 21



.image below: title: 'pain, no pain' 





.dream: just got off ferry, guy leaves in enterprise rent a car, at a table, guy puts down some 

oxy pads, i wipe inside of my ears, drop oxy pads in square planter box, wooden, 


.talking to mother on phone, headset, right ear piece only, mouth piece, ask her to 

pick me up, too late, call is dropped, talking again, 'yea' mother says, i'm going to 

safeway, hungry, food, will get a cab home, end dream 



.a - me near ferry boat dock 

b - guy drives off in rental car 


c - table                                 d - guy with oxy pads 

e - water in square box           

f - talking with mother on phone 

g - safeway store 




.image below: oxy pads detail 





.image below: telephone headset 






.dream: gymnasium, walking, d.c is leaving, fist bump, no, we're both carrying bags, end scene, 


.table, box, comic book maps, looking at rivers of the usa, native names only, looking 

at box, specifically designed to hold and ship video game consoles, end scene, 


.sitting by a lake, k.r on my left, aunt on right, h.t appears, everyone leaving, k.r is now 

brother, hugs h.t, i hug her, she's got on a yellow shirt, end scene, 


.looking out window, tree, reflectors, end scene, 


.walking outside, lady in blue grey military uniform, raining, bus, military uniform shop 

up ahead, end dream 



.a - gymnasium                     b - d.c walks out door 

c - me 


d - me at table                       e - box and map comics 

f - lake                                   g - me in middle 

h - aunt 


i - k.r then brother                  j - h.t 

k - looking out window 

l - reflectors on tree                m - walking on sidewalk 


n - lady in blue grey military uniform 

o - bus in rain                          p - military uniform shop 




.image below: dream scenes detail 





.image below: river map detail 





.image below: yellow shirt 





.image below: tree and reflectors





.image below: blue grey military uniform (blond hair) 















.wake up




.image below: title: 'orange streamers on blue' 




.            3         13        1343413        1        41        4        31441        34         314       




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