Saturday, April 13, 2024

saturday 13

saturday 13



.image below: title: 'ultimate muscle freak' 











.dream: lady on a train car, she's cutting cheetos, cheetos become sausages, lady 

cuts sausages, sausages become cheetos, 


.i'm in a car and eating cheetos, powdered cheeto cheese all over both my hands, end dream 



.a - train car                         b - lady 

c - cheetos                           d - sausage 


e - cheetos 

f - me eating cheetos 




.image below: powdered cheeto cheese all over both my hands detail






.dream: in house from high school, door to porch, cat, cat enters house, runs back and 

forth then crawls up my right leg, i'm wearing shorts, i grab cat, take cat into kitchen, 


.bowl of cat food on kitchen floor, lady says i shouldn't feed cat food to cat, cat will 

puke, cat should eat cookies, i take cat into laundry room, other bowl of food, 

i put cat down, cat starts to eat, cat pukes, end scene, 


.note: bowl of food in kitchen was mostly cat food, may have been cookies in shelf 

above, bowl of food in laundry room was two other foods on left and same 

cat food on right, end note 


.in bedroom of n.s, two guys talking, talking about mansions, they say these 

mansions are mostly empty except for the occasional teen smoking in a large 

open room, i ask if these mansions are in spain, 'south side' a guy responds, end scene, 


.mother and aunt watching tv, lady on tv is pooping, she then pukes, aunt can't watch and 

looks away, mother chuckles, i'm in another room, end dream 



.a - in house                         b - door to porch 

c - cat                                   d - cat food, no eat 


e - more cat food, eat, puke 

f - two guys talking              g - me


h - lady pooping and puking on tv 

i - mother                              j - aunt 

k - me in other room 




.image below: cat scene detail 





.image set below: cat puking cat food detail (different color options) 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'triple word score - yankee' 




.            7          67          6787687       6         86        8      67768         78        687    




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