Monday, April 22, 2024

monday 22

monday 22



.image below: title: 'yellow with white on blue' 





.dream: tree up, attic, end scene, 


.nightmare king and snow king, fight, ice and snow on ground, round one, tie, round two, 

snow king wins, nightmare king cannot win round three, sends a nightmare to the snow 

king, nightmare king's soul then escapes to the nightmare realm, 


.nightmare king dies, his dead body and that of his horse are taken off in a horse and 

cart, laid to rest in an icy tunnel, end dream 



.a - tree                        b - attic 

c - snow and ice           d - snow king 


e - nightmare king 

f - horse and cart          g - bridge 

h - icy tunnel 




.image below: nightmare king and snow king 






.dream: me, two women, sex, oversized electronic tablet, shut down, end scene, 


.spilt water, kids, mop, mats, anchor chain, master chief, sir, ma'am, cock slap, laughter, 

pointing, jump, hall, up stairs, room, guy sleeping, large attic bedroom, flip on wall, 

end dream 



.a - me and two women 

b - brother                         c - oversized tablet 


d - kids, wet floor              e - anchor chain, mop 

f - me and master chief 

g - laughing                        h - jump 


i - hallway                          j - stairs up 

k - hotel room, guy sleeping 

l - attic bedroom                 m - back flip on wall 




.image below: anchor chain and mop detail 





.image below: attic bedroom detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'a very very sugary drink' 




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