Friday, April 26, 2024

friday 26

friday 26



.image below: title: 'backing up, large-vehicle reverse-direction attention-beeping-sound' 











.dream: house from high school, i go outside, driveway, people, animals, more people, 

some guy comes up to me, i headbutt him, right knee him in the chest, go back near door, 

large chested woman wrapped in grey blanket, sexual intentions, 


.looking for a good place to fuck, go around to back yard, dirt in the grass, no good, 

go back near door, lady goes inside, i follow her up to mother's bedroom, 


.lady lies down on bed, i notice a picture on the wall, tits and stomach, i go out into hall, 

brother is there, i invite him into mother's bedroom, standing by bed, looking at lady 

in bed, now it's n.s on my left, he asks me if i'm going first, 


.i get into bed with lady, she's on her hands and knees, sexual penetration, 

lots of cunt cheese, i withdraw, reach for a tissue on the right, end dream 



.a - i leave house                     b - going out in driveway 

c - people and animals             d - more people 


e - guy i headbutt                     f - large chested woman 

g - back lawn, dirt 

h - lady goes inside                  i - i go inside 


j - mother's bed                         k - picture on wall 

l - hallway 

m - brother                                 n - i take brother into mother's room 


o - brother is now n.s 

p - sex with lady in bed               q - tissues on right 




.image set below: dream map 





.image below: dirt in lawn and picture on wall 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'light jostle to the noggin, spilt yoghurt on the floor' 




.        4         34          3494934         3          93          9        39443         49        349     




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