Sunday, April 28, 2024

sunday 28

sunday 28



.image below: title: 'blue and black on white' 





.dream: enter a house, skateboard riders, i'd like to go skate, they're drunk, i leave, 

end scene, 


.in a garage, k.s is filing metal off some rod, him and n.s are getting ready to 

weld a harmonica to the bottom of a car, i'm in the corner, skateboard deck and hammer, 

n.s is in a car, bent axel rod appears, may be the main support frame beam, end dream 



.a - me                             b - house of skateboard riders 

c - guys are drunk            d - i leave 


e - me in garage 

f - skateboard deck and hammer 


g - k.s filing metal            h - n.s in car 

i - bent axel rod (frame beam) 




.image below: bent support frame beam of car 











.dream: lying on the floor, cat near me, cat is looking at pictures on wall, one pic is 

of a tiger caring for its young, cat walks on me, end scene, 


.a guy has a dick and balls growing out of his left shoulder, guy has a boner as 

well, he's very proud of his shoulder dick, starts to cum from his main dick, 

some other guys in the room, they touch and suck on his main dick a bit, end scene, 


.chocolate store, two women exit, i enter, i've been prescribed ten ibuprofen, ask 

chocolate store lady if i can fill my prescription here, no, chocolate only, shelf, 

chocolate, i choose a box, lady gives me some free chocolate easter bunnies as well, 

leave store, 


.driving up hill, table in street, lady, i hit a blue bench, go left, fortune teller store, 

lady behind mirror, comics on wall, end dream 



.a - me on floor                             b - cat 

c - small table 


d - pictures on wall                        e - boner guy with shoulder dick 

f - other guys                                  g - two women leave chocolate store 

h - enter chocolate store 


i - chocolate store lady                   j - chocolate on shelf 

k - driving car 

l - table in street                              m - i hit a blue bench 


n - up hill                                         o - i go left 

p - fortune teller lady behind mirror 

q - comic books on wall 




.image below: cat and picture on wall detail 





.image below: chocolate easter bunny and blue bench 





.image below: chocolate easter bunny






.wake up




.image below: title: 'attempting to understand yellow' 




.          6        16       1606016       1        01         0       66101      60      610      




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