Monday, April 29, 2024

monday 29

monday 29



.image below: title: 'blue and white on black' 





.dream: vehicle just dropped me off, walking on sidewalk, go into airport waiting area, 

sit down, lady next to me, mentions washington state, guy mentions my seat, like a small 

bed, i kneel down, write in my notebook, 


.at a table now, bottle of sulfate and c.l away from me, science lady comes over 

with some clam juice, asks me to make it, two little cups, i pour juice from one 

cup to the other, 


.leave table, grab a pamphlet, college pamphlet, go into back area, people have been 

painting on easels, m and m's candies painting, i leave area, end dream 



.a - vehicle drops me off 

b - walking on sidewalk                     c - airport waiting area 


d - i sit down 

e - lady                                                f - some guy mentions my seat 

g - kneeling, writing in notebook 


h - me at table                                     i - c.l and bottle of sulfate 

j - science liquid on table                    k - get pamphlet 

l - biology ii students painting on easels 




.image below: science liquids 





.image below: college pamphlet 





.image below: painting 















.wake up




.image below: title: 'still trying to understand yellow' 




.           7       67         6797967         6         96        9       77969        79        679     




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