Sunday, April 7, 2024

sunday 07

sunday 07



.image below: title: 'scientific authority, religious intervention' 











.dream: in a school building in india, in between classes, hallway, some guys are in 

english class, chapters twenty two and three in the book, past and present perfect, 


.go to my locker, coat, put it on, art class is next, going to class, blue painting on wall, 

i may have done this, two ninety degree turns, slide, in classroom, principal, 


.principal is saying that some lady wants to teach but her grade is less than one point zero, 

then she improved her grade and got a korean endorsement, i leave class, principal and 

lady following me in hallway, 


.sliding, four ninety degree turns, i've gone too far, turn around, end scene, 


.in a room, russian guy enters, goes to sink, i show him the backs of my hands, 

show him inside of my right wrist, alien abduction scar, trying to think of 

'arm' in russian, guy says 'спина', no, that's 'back', i say 'грудь', no, that's 'chest', 

i say 'рука', that's it, that means 'arm', 


.guy says something like 'voltan', maybe he meant 'vulkan', end dream 



.a - leave classroom, hallway 

b - locker, coat                             c - painting on wall 


d - two ninety degree turns, sliding 

e - principal in class                     f - me

g - back in hallway                       h - guy and lady following me 


i - passed four ninety degrees turns, too far 

j - turn around 

k - me                                             l - russian guy at sink 




.image below: trying to think of how to say 'arm' in russian detail 






.dream: outside a school building in india, guy, lady walks by, she's having a hard 

time with english, construction happening all around me, boundary line, i put 

down a yellow pen, structure being built around me, i get out, put a purple 

mechanical pencil inside, 


.round area, i fly up, large white russian helicopter, pass, comes back at me, i 

fly by, look into right front window, 


.above the clouds now, empty two liter bottle, i kick it over on some land, guy and 

bottles, bottle hits guy, guy becomes a bottle, more land, end dream 



.a - school building from previous dream 

b - other school building                         c - me and guy 


d - lady                                                     e - construction boundary 

f - yellow pen                                           g - structure being built 

h - purple mechanical pencil 


i - round spot in concrete, i fly up 

j - russian helicopter                                 k - kick an empty bottle 

l - guy and more bottles on land                m - land 

n - more land 




.image below: pen and pencil in construction zone detail 





.image below: russian helicopter detail (side and front view) 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'triple word score - sierra' 




.          6        36          3676736         3          73         7       63367            67           367     




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