Friday, April 26, 2024

thursday 25

thursday 25



.image below: title: 'rainy day' 





.dream: garage, cheese and pretzel sticks snacks, all gone, aunt wants me to bring over a 

cart, i do so, 


.walking in a home, k.s is eating, i grab some snacks, 


.tree house tennis court area, j.e is there, i move along, go down some stairs, 


.playing a small piano, turn up volume, top right of piano, lady on my left can 

hear now, more people on left, end scene, 


.in a kitchen, cup of sealed water, open seal, drink, round donut shaped white container of 

meat, i open it, try and move fingers on left hand, no response, look down, my 

left arm has been completely severed at the elbow and is now in the dish washer, 


.a.n has came over and peed, i tell him i want him to get my arm out of dish washer, 

he tackles me to the ground, end dream 



.a - garage                     b - pretzel sticks and cheese 

c - large wheeled cart, two levels 


d - k.s eating in home 

e - me eating snacks     

f - tree house tennis court 


g - j.e                             h - stairs down 

i - me at piano               j - lady, other people 

k - me in kitchen, meat, water, dish washer 

l - a.n 




.image below: cheese and pretzel sticks snack and cart 





.image below: piano 





.image below: water and meat





.image below: left arm in dish washer 















.wake up






.nap dream: n.s in shower, shower water knob won't stay at eight point five, heat rating, 

moves up to just under nine, i get in shower, no eight point five, just under nine 

on the water heat knob, 


.get out of shower, towel around me, shelves, underwear, guys at table in other room, 

end scene, 


.guy selling used books, i pick some out, interested in some foreign language childrens 

books, guy gives them to me for free, guy needs to update the receipts, i look at 

some more foreign language books on high shelf, 'scots for speakers of english', 

red and green cover, among others, end dream 



.a - n.s in shower                     b - me 

c - shelves with underwear 


d - guys at table in other room 

e - table, used books                f - book seller 

g - me                                       h - more foreign language books in high shelf 




.image below: shower water heat knob 






.wake up


.image below: title: 'from grey to white on red' 




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