Wednesday, April 24, 2024

wednesday 24

wednesday 24



.image below: title: 'broken guitar, dead squirrel on the street' 















.dream: outside a house, guy comes outside, another guy arrives with a dog, guy from 

house has a bunch of gambling debt, puts down a bunch of pills on the hood of a parked car, 

guy from house is selling the drugs to the guy with the dog, fentanyl pills, 


.perspective shift to the right, i may have went in the house and came back out, pills on 

the ground, dog eats a pill and falls over dead, red haired dog, white face, end dream 



.a - house                     b - guy with pills 

c - car parked               d - guy and dog 


e - perspective shift 

f - dog eats pill, dies 




.image below: dead dog and fentanyl pills 






.nap dream: in a bank, sitting, chinese lady across from me in other room, i pull out 

a small white drum, start to beat it lightly, 


.safety deposit box area is open, i get up, go back to seat, bank is closing, lady tells me 

this, i get ready to leave, end dream 





.wake up




.image below: title: 'bike talk' 




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