Tuesday, April 16, 2024

tuesday 16

tuesday 16



.image below: title: 'oranges on blue' 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2024/04/16/dream-16-apr-2024/




.dream: coming down some stairs, in a naval office in hawaii, a guy descends in an elevator, 

i ask a lady about the stairs, she points to where the elevator was, wall, i run backwards into 

wall, space opens up, move forwards again, wall on my right, tear off some wall paper, 

paper doesn't rip, i wrap the wall paper under my right thigh, rip the paper above my 

thigh, notice i'm naked, 


.move back again, move forwards with a kind of broom, sweep it across the same 

wall on right, wall paper rips off a bit, little holes in wall paper now, 


.now the lady is at the back of the space, sitting at a table, other table, two boxes, 

papers, i look closer, office supplies, pencils and such, end scene, 


.i have a math idea, notes on my night stand, go over to other side of room, 

electronics, i plug in the cord better, device comes on, 

video camera device, not in computer mode, 'activate computer mode' i say out loud, 


.video device registers what i say as 'dxyrkln' something, no, i move along, 


.three computer station, i go to far right computer, keyboard under desk on a slider, 

all three computers have keyboards, all three keyboard cords plug in on the far left, 


.guy in middle, lady on left, guy on middle 

farts, all he's been eating is military food, absolutely horrible fart stink, 


.maybe it was the lady who farted, she's part way behind the wall now, end dream 



.a - stairs down                                 b - me, naval office in hawaii 

c - elevator down                              d - i ask about stairs 


e - lady 

f - me running backwards, opening up space 

g - rip wall paper                               h - ripped wall paper 


i - lady in back of space 

j - two boxes of papers, office supplies 

k - me with math idea                         l - notes on night stand 


m - video camera device                     n - 'activate computer mode'

o - three computer station 


p - three computers                               q - keyboard cords plug in here 

r - middle guy, fart 

s - lady on end                                       t - me 




.image below: opening up a new space in naval office in hawaii, sequential event detail 




.a - going down stairs                         b - guy goes down in elevator 

c - lady i ask about stairs                     d - running backwards, opening up space 


e - move forwards, rip wall paper over right thigh 

f - move back                                        g - move forwards with broom across wall 


h - move back again 

i - lady in back of space 

j - two boxes, papers, office supplies 




.image below: ripping wall paper over right thigh detail 





.image below: video camera device detail 





.image below: three computer station detail 






.wake up




.image below: title: 'still recovering from the <triple word score> image set' 




.           8        38         3898398         3          93          9       88393       89         398    




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