Friday, April 19, 2024

thursday 18

thursday 18



.image below: title: 'rotunda' 





.dream: walking down a hallway, orange carpet with green marks, d.w on my shoulders, 

h.g in front of me, i'm pushing h.g forwards with the palm of my right hand, stop, 

moving backwards now, d.w no longer on my shoulders, i'm pulling h.g backwards, 


.bathroom, i direct h.g into the bathroom so he can change clothes, i go around corner, 

enter different bathroom, women in headscarves pass by, guy and lady talking, 


.guy comes over to me, needs to make a phone call, i read instructions on phone real 

quick, push three, leave a message, push two, talk briefly, i tell guy, 

'two or three, two or three', 


.guy pushes three, starts to leave a message for his grandson bennet, i take off 

my shirt, sun burn on my right chest and shoulder, end dream 



.a - me                                            b - d.w on my shoulders 

c - h.g in front of me                      d - orange and green carpet 


e - moving backwards                    f - direct h.g into bathroom 

g - i go into other bathroom           h - women in headscarves 


i - lady and guy 

j - guy on phone 




.image below: moving in hallway detail 





.image below: phone instructions detail 











.wake up




.image below: title: 'completely and totally recovered from the <triple word score> image set' 




.            4       14         1464164          1           61          6       41146         46         164      




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