Wednesday, April 3, 2024

wednesday 03

wednesday 03



.image below: title: 'subconscious hooking' 





.dream: forgotten scene, end scene, 


.forgotten scene, end scene, 


.walking down stairs from upper level, red carpet, bottom of stairs, used to 

be high school smoke pit, restaurant now, i turn right, 


.in restaurant, tables, people sitting, a guy comes out from a back room, holding a 

small white bell shaped shot glass filled with special liquid, guy goes to 

a table, passes around the shot glass so people can take a sip, one guy thinks it 

may be pee, takes a sip, passes back to the guy, guy takes a sip, 


.scene repeats, guy comes out with small white bell shaped shot glass, goes to 

same table, passes around shot glass, same guy takes a sip, passes glass, now 

it is said that the liquid came from two paint brushes being rubbed together, 

the guy pukes, end dream 



.a - upper level                         b - stairs down 

c - old high school smoke pit 


d - tables                                   e - restaurant 

f - tables                                    g - guy with shot glass 

h - guy who pukes 




.image below: small white bell-shaped shot glass detail 











.wake up


.jump rope 


.image below: title: 'triple word score - oscar' 




.     3        23          2343423          2         42          4       23342         34         324       




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