Friday, April 12, 2024

friday 12

friday 12



.image below: title: 'construction vehicle and large steel plate' 















.dream: me, guy, elevator, down, underground parking garages, entering into mall, 

jewelry, walking in mall, food prep, rides, handicapped area, guy on oxygen, repeat 

handicapped room scene, end scene, 


.outside, roofed area, lady likes my socks, left sock, padded, guy dancing in grass, 

i start to dance, white pyjamas, holding a corn plant, final jump, spin, land, done dancing, 

lots of people watching, end dream 



.a - me and guy in elevator 

b - underground parking levels 

c - mall pick up and drop off area 


d - mall entrance                         e - jewelry area 

f - in mall, hallway                      g - people preparing food 


h - rides                                        i - handicapped area, guy on oxygen 

j - me under roofed area outside 

k - lady likes my socks                 l - guy dancing 


m - me dancing with corn plant 

n - final jump with spins               o - people watching me dance 




.image below: guy on oxygen in handicapped room detail 





.image below: corn plant and final spinning jump detail 






.dream: running outside, stairs down, handrail, small cliff, glee club marching and 

singing, plaza, stairs, end scene, 


.in a room, stairs, running up and down, three guys, punching stances, i'm holding a 

green notebook, kid from india, says his true language is hebrew, he seems 

to be counting, keeps saying 'majbur', i ask him what that means, 'need' he says, 

end dream 



.a - me outside                     b - stairs down 

c - handrail                           d - small cliff 


e - glee club, singing, marching 

f - plaza                                 g - big steps 

h - door into room 


i - steps                                   j - me running up and down steps 

k - three guys                          l - platform 

m - kid i talked to 




.image below: handrail down stairs and green notebook detail 






.wake up 




.image below: title: 'triple word score - x-ray' 




.     5       45         4585845       4        84         8      45548       58       458        




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