Wednesday, September 20, 2023

wednesday 20

wednesday 20



.yesterday's events: park workout 






. two guys in a small pop up tent, one guy has a screwdriver attached to a drill on a long drill bit, 

the drill spins the screwdriver and erects the tent, end scene, 


.a lady is looking for her husband who is driving a black jeep, the black jeep pulls in 

near a gas station, two men emerge from the black jeep, one guy is really big with 

shoulder length black hair, 


.the other guy is dressed as a woman in a pink ballerina tutu, this guy in drag has a bald head 

and glasses, he asks what time it is and pulls out a small silver watch pendant on a silver necklace, 

the big guy wants nothing to do with the time and eats the watch pendant and necklace, 


.the guy in drag then takes off his bra and complains that the bra wire was poking his chest, 


.everyone lies down on a grassy hill in front of the gas station to look up at the stars in 

the night sky, california, one guy says we're too far north to see the starts he's used to, 

clouds in the sky, tree branches, star movement, might be aliens, 

end dream



.a - two guys in a pop up tent 

b - screwdriver on drill 

c - black jeep                                     d - gas station 


e - large guy                                       f - guy in drag 

g - looking up at night stars               h - trees and clouds 

i - stars in sky 




.image below: pop-up tent detail 





.image below: black jeep and silver watch pendant detail 







. on the ground floor of a large building, i want to get to the elevator, i go past the elevator then 

climb up over a low bar and stand in line with all the people waiting for the elevator, 


.people in front of me get into the elevator and go up, i put my black hat on a small table 

in the corner of the elevator then get back in line, after all the people in front of me get in 

the elevator and go up, it's my turn, 


.i get into the elevator, grab my black hat from the small table, go up in elevator, end scene, 


.in a room with two beds, a guy and lady are having sex in front of me, the guy finishes 

and leaves, i approach the lady, direct her onto the other bed, i touch her body but she's 

tired and needs to recover from just having sex, 

end dream 



.a - ground floor of large building 

b - elevator                                 c - low bar 

d - people in line                         e - people go in elevator and go up 


f - i get in elevator                       g - black hat 

h - guy and lady                           i - beds 

j - me 




.image below: my black hat in the elevator detail 







. enter into recycle room, someone has put a bunch of paint stuff down thinking that it can be 

recycled here, paint brushes, rollers and a big bucket of paint in a clear plastic bag in a 

cardboard box on the left, 


.this big bucket of paint can't be recycled here, it needs to go to a specialty recycle center, 

i pick up a small black plastic bag from the right, in the bag are two empty shampoo bottles 

and some paint item, it's ok for the contents of the little black bag to be recycled in this 

room so i put it over on the left, 

end dream 



.a - recycle room                                 b - door 

c - recycle bins                                    d - paint stuff 


e - cardboard box                                 f - large white bucket of paint in clear plastic bag 

g - other paint stuff                               

h - black plastic bag with two shampoo bottles and one paint item 










.wake up


.ride bicycle 




.college campus 



.       5         45        4575745        4        74        7       57445       75       457      




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