Saturday, September 30, 2023

saturday 30

saturday 30



.yesterday's events: bicycle, noodles 






. complete darkness all around, falling, holding a blue cup, approaching the ground, 

blue cup gets bumped away by my right elbow, land on the ground, a blue cup is 

on the ground on the left, this indicates open access on the ground level, 

end dream 



.a - me falling                                         b - blue cup i was holding 

c - my right elbow knocks blue cup away 

d - blue cup falls away                           e - ground 

f - blue cup on ground indicating open access 











. leave a classroom, in a hall with a person and a kid, i have a card game and am glad to 

be out of the class, i'm about to give the person and the kid some cards when i go back 

in the class real quick because i forgot something, 


.come back out into the hall, the kid has gone into some other door, someone 

goes and gets the kid, now a guy and a lady are standing in front of me, i'm on the 

ground and have the cards for the game, 


.offer up the cards, lady on the left takes one card, guy on the right takes a bunch of 

cards, about to start the game, on the right there are a bunch of other little groups that 

have formed with people doing different stuff, end scene, 


.on the ground floor of a building, small dog, can of beans, the dog kicks the 

can and it rolls over to the wall, dog chases after the beans, some lady 

at the wall doing something, 


.small cat appears, the little dog and cat are running around playing, i think 

i should give them some water but then they'd end up peeing all over the floor, 

dog and cat rest, reflection imagery in window on left, end scene, 


.in a kind of bar area, behind two women in a booth, the women start a video recording, 

view of some timers counting up time, one lady says she speaks bulgarian and 

something that sounds like dutch, i write down 'bulgarian', 


.now the other lady gets up, she has grey hair and blue eyes, lady says the names of 

four languages she speaks, none of them sound familiar, like alien languages from 

star trek, lady goes over to some guy on my left, 


.guy starts speaking russian with an american accent, guy then eats some red licorice and 

sits on the floor, everyone is sitting on the floor except for me, i'm sitting on a high 

bench and working on writing notes, end scene, 


.sitting on a high chair and working on some project, a guy (d.a) comes up on 

my right and starts to tickle me just under my right arm pit, this annoys and angers me, 

i push him down off me, turn around in the high chair, point at him with my right index 

finger and say in a threatening and aggressive tone 


.'come at me again ...', 


.d.a goes over and gets a red broom stick, it looks like he's going to come at me again, 

i'd fight him and likely win, but just then a pregnant woman with red hair, huge 

stomach and breasts, enters the room with three red haired children, maybe four, 


.d.a is looking at the pregnant lady and isn't coming at me, the oldest girl 

says 'please', like she wants us to fight, i think 'grow up' to her, or maybe to myself, 

then someone, maybe me, says 'forgive us father for we have sinned', 

end dream 



.a - classroom                                 b - me

c - card game                                  d - two people 

e - kid and other groups                  f - me 


g - little dog                                    h - can of food 

i - some lady                                   j - little cat 

k - reflection in window                 l - two women start video recording 


m - me                                            n - guy speaking russian 

o - people sitting on floor               p - me on bench 


q - me working on project              r - guy (d.a) 

s - red broom stick                          t - pregnant lady 

u - kids 




.image below: card game scene detail 





.image below: small dog and cat scene detail 





.image below: small dog and cat and can of food detail 





.image below: bar scene detail 





.image below: guy who speaks russian and red licorice detail 





.image below: pregnant lady and kids scene detail 






.wake up


.gym membership 







.      5           25            2595925              2              92            9         59229        59        295     




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