Sunday, September 24, 2023

sunday 24

sunday 24



.yesterday's events: groceries 






. outside, sitting on the high ledge of a loading dock, sun is shining on some leaves in 

front and to my right a bit, a large black and yellow bee keeps flying in front of me where 

the sun is shining, 


.i have a fern leaf in the palm of my right hand, using my mind strength to make the 

leaf bigger, leaf increases in size a bit, a vehicle approaches on my left, 

end dream 



.a - loading dock                             b - me 

c - sunlight                                      d - bee 

e - leaf                                             f - vehicle 



.image below: fern leaf in the palm of my right hand detail 







. running under a huge bridge, up ahead is the arnold schwarzenegger sports bar and 

restaurant, there used to be nothing here, now this restaurant has been built, 


.enter into restaurant, fluffy home made biscuit on the back of a couch, i pick up the 

biscuit, put it in a trash can, stand in the corner, a guy is moving behind me, i follow the guy, 

human head in the corner, the guy is going into a secret back area, i follow the guy, 


.guy is gone, now i'm on the covered porch, second floor up, crawling on the railing, 

reach a corner, drop down to the grass below, i should be able to see the ocean from here 

but i can't, trees and a road up ahead, 


.trying to decide which way to go, to the right, which is the way i came, or to the left, 


.all of a sudden a group of skateboarders rides in from the left, some of them jump off a 

dirt mound, one guy looses his board down a twenty foot bank, i just stand where i 

dropped down from and watch the skaters, 

end dream 



.a - under a bridge                                 b - arnold schwarzenegger restaurant and sports bar 

c - biscuit on back of couch                   d - trash can 

e - me in corner                                      f - some guy i follow 


g - human head in corner                        h - secret back area 

i - covered porch, second floor                j - crawling on railing 

k - i drop down to lawn below                 l - ocean should be here, can't see it 


m - trees                                                    n - fence 

o - group of skateboarders                        p - dirt mound jump 

q - concrete bank, twenty feet drop 




.image below: under bridge restaurant and skaters dream, alternate scale representation





.image below: putting biscuit in the trash scene detail 





.image below: fluffy biscuit detail 





.image below: skateboarders scene detail 















.wake up


.park workout, rain 




.ice cream 



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