Sunday, September 10, 2023

sunday 10

Sun 10 sep 🕝 2023 



. dream,

.in McDonald's,  order three 🍔 hamburgers, two quarter pounders, one big Mac, 

.waiting, lady won,t serve me, I'm furious, guy named Dom in blue shirt, 


.i throw up some silverware in anger, go to ezting area, a security guard comes at me, I smash him to the ground, 

.another 🔐 security  guard, smash again,

.large 🍃 window, fly outside, head first, face up , 



.A McDonald's.    B lady behind counter 

.c.    dom.        D silverware.          E security guards in eating area

.f window.      G flying outside 




.end dream 




.nap dream,


.arrive at large local skatepark,  a guy, b.m, directs me to skate down in small stair section,

.stairs on all four sides, three or four stairs high, I just skate on bottom stair,

.stairs seemed small, once I'm down there, the first stair is taller than me, doing wall rides on ↘ bottom stair, front side and back side , both stances, 


.come up from stair area, guy on bicycle, ,




A.  Skatepark.      B me.        C b.m.          d ✨ stairs.  

E guy on bike.   



images 🌬 below . Skateboarding at 🍾 bottom of stairs 





.end dream 


.daily events,  


.walk, antique mall, hacky..sack... in park, grocery store, 


abcdefghijklmnop qrstuv wx yz 


.8.  18.     1898.     198.     1.    91.      🕘     9.  



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