Friday, September 29, 2023

friday 29

friday 29



.yesterday's events: corner store 






. over the ocean, descending down along a huge brown paper shopping bag, group of 

people at bottom of bag, all i have to do now is get back to shore but i don't know 

where the shore is, don't know which way to turn, 

end dream 



.a - huge brown paper grocery bag 

b - me descending down 'a' 

c - group of people 

d - i don't know which way to turn to get to the shore 






. playing a video game, controlling a blue race car, approaching a large left turn 

on a steep bank angle, don't care, feeling a bit suicidal, blue car enters banked left 

turn at a high rate of speed, 


.two other blue cars up ahead, my car smashes into both blue cars, the other two cars 

explode and burst into flames, the car driver i was controlling falls out of the car and 

over a cliff and into the ocean, 


.now i'm in the ocean, still not giving a fuck, a huge shark is underwater and coming up at me, 

i put my head under the water to get a better view of the shark, i'm gonna break this 

animal in half, 


.shark comes at me and bites my entire left arm up to the shoulder, i then reach around with 

my right arm and with my right arm on the shark's back and my left arm inside the 

shark's body, i snap the animal's spinal cord, end scene, 


.in my room from high school, brother is there with me, i've written brother a card, the 

background is yellow with a blue and pink tie-dye pattern, i've written 'family values' 

in big bubble letters and some other stuff on the card, 


.there's a little song that goes along with the card as well, something like


.'family values, aaaahhhhhh, mmmmmmm', 


.i sing the song, brother tries to repeat it but the mmmmmmm part is a little off, he has 

his mouth open too much and not enough nasality in the sound, brother 

repeats the mmmmmm sound, much better on the second time, 

end dream 



.a - large left turn on steep bank angle 

b - car i'm controlling 

c - two other cars 

d - driver of 'b' falls over cliff 


e - huge shark in ocean 

f - me 

g - brother 

h - family values card 




.image below: video game cars and shark scenes, alternate scale representation 





.image below: video game cars scene detail 





.image below: shark bites my left arm detail 





.image below: family values card detail 











.wake up


.empty wine glass and two cigarette butts outside on the concrete 




.bicycle, noodles 



.     5        45         4575475          4            74             7        45774        57        475     




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