Saturday, September 16, 2023

saturday, 16

 saturday, 16



.yesterday's events: young woman enjoying a cool and refreshing lemonade beverage 






.in a moving vehicle, i direct someone where to turn, some spot in the bushes where i was 

before, vehicle turns where i direct it and stops, me and driver get out, we're both wearing 

army uniforms, 


.formation of soldiers in the forest, guy i'm with salutes, i don't salute, pass by another 

formation of soldiers, guy salutes again, i don't salute again, end scene, 


.someone is putting on heavy vests filled with ammunition, end scene, 


.in a bedroom type area, window, lots of stuff by window, toy store owner comes over and 

removes some stuff from window, toy store owner tells me to construct a space station, 


.i arrange all the stuff around the window as best i can to make the space station, there is 

an aircraft carrier landing strip on the bottom left, it's mostly just arranging scaffolding 

type stuff like from an erector set or tinker toys, look over to my right, 


.toy store owner and some other guy are trying to assemble some copper colored 

spherical components, this seems to be the nuclear reactor core of the space station, 

end scene, 


.coming out from the internal fission chamber of a nuclear reactor, me and some guys 

were in the fission chamber for a tour, entering into a machinery space, outside there are 

a bunch of aggressive asian guys beating up on some people, 


.i hide behind a large piece of machinery, an asian guy enters the space and sees me, i move 

past him, 


.enter into an asian restaurant, a guy is at a table and looking at a menu, he's about to order 

some food, 

end dream 



.a - bushes                                         b - vehicle 

c - me and some guy                         d - military formations 

e - window                                        f - toy store owner 


g - one section removed by 'f'          h - assembling space station model 

i - aircraft carrier landing strip          j - space station nuclear reactor core construction 

k - leaving the reactor fission chamber 


l - window and attacking guys          m - me hiding behind machinery 

n - aggressive guy                              o - asian restaurant 

p - guy at table with menu                  q - door 




.image below: assembling the space station scene detail 





.image below: two guys assembling the nuclear reactor chamber of the space station detail 







.in a room, corner of a bed visible, my foot print is on the floor by the bed, some lady in 

room with me, she says 'why don't you tug on your art work', mentions something about 

a ring, end scene, 


.fishing boat dream, see below, 


.my computer is on the kitchen sink, a CD is spinning inside the computer, end scene, 


.subaru keys dream, see below, 


.a lady is standing on a city street, she's wearing light colored bleached jeans, 

end dream 



.a - me and lady in room                             b - bed 

c - my foot print                                          d - fishing boat dream 

e - computer with CD on sink                     f - subaru keys dream 

g - lady with light colored bleached jeans on city street 






.in a dark harbor, a fishing boat is moored at a pier in the back, i start to climb up on a fishing 

net, a guy goes around the net and into the fishing boat, another guy goes around into 

the fishing boat, 


.i climb up to the top of the fishing net, instead of climbing over the net, i climb back down 

the side i climbed up on, 


.the fishing boat is now underway and going out to sea, i'm swimming in the dark green 

water, the fishing boat is like a piece of drift wood, i stand up on the drift wood, a guy 

looks down on me from higher up on the boat, 


.i ask the guy if i can still come along, 'too late' the guy responds, there are some cables 

floating in the water, i try and swim under them, the fishing boat leaves the harbor and 

goes out to sea, i'm swimming in the water of the harbor, 


.there's a platform with some equipment on it up ahead, i climb up on the platform, 


.now i'm in a kind of control room, this seems to be the room where the fish finding 

radar is operated for the fishing boat that just made it out to sea, 


.i'm right up against the far wall where there are a bunch of gages and dials, there's 

a guy standing on the main platform of the room, he's looking at one of 

the gages that is right next to me, the gage reads about three or four for a while and 

then jumps down to negative one where there is a red mark, 


.there are other people sitting on the floor in the room, i have a marshmallow in my right 

hand and eat it, 

end dream 



.a - fishing boat moored at pier 

b - me climbing up fishing net 

c - two guys                                 d - me on fishing boat as it goes out to sea 

e - guy tells me it's too late for me to get on boat 


f - cables in water                         g - equipment platform 

h - fish finding radar control room 

i - gage on wall                             j - marshmallow i eat 

k - people sitting on floor 




.image below: me on the fishing boat as it leaves the harbor and goes out to sea detail 





.image below: climbing up on the equipment platform in the harbor detail 





.image below: gage of interest in the fish finding radar control room detail 











.wake up






.uphill bicycle ride 



.     5        35        3505035           3         53       0        30550       50       305    




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