Tuesday, September 19, 2023

tuesday 19

tuesday 19



.yesterday's events: toilet paper, fruit juice 






. person standing on the median in the middle of the road, seems to almost be waiting for 

me to look at them, short of stature, slender, white baseball hat, thin glasses, white plaid 

shirt, possibly a vest, jeans, 

end dream 







. in a small deep diving submarine, myself and several people standing around, we're 

underwater and at the deepest part of the dive, i look at friend's brother (b.k), he's not 

moving, then b.k wiggles his spine and i know everything is ok, 


.i turn around to leave, friend's other brother (a.k) arrives and is dancing or pointing or 

something, i say he's my number one guy, i have several number one guys, 

end dream 



.a - small deep diving submarine 

b - me                                 c - b.k 

d - people                            e - a.k 






. in a university arboretum, several little jade plants in pots, instead of soil, the jade plants 

are growing their roots in small little flat round stones, a guy and lady take a jade plant 

partially out of the pot to display the roots in the flat stones, 


.i'm looking for a western evergreen tree, can't seem to find one, i do see two small maple 

trees, the leaves have a kind of wax coating on them, i move along, 


.leave arboretum area, go into a kind of living room area, lay back on a chair, two people 

on a couch on my left, small bowl of nuts on coffee table in front of me, i'm eating some 

nuts, a lady comes over by me, she grabs some nuts from the bowl, 

end dream 



.a - university arboretum 

b - guy and lady                         c - jade plant in pot 

d - two small potted maple trees 


e - me in living room area 

f - people on couch                     g - small bowl of nuts 

h - lady 




.image below: university arboretum dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: jade plant with roots in stones detail 





.image below: two small maple trees in pots detail 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2023/09/19/dream-19-sep-2023/




.wake up 


.bearded runner in the park 




.park workout 



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