Monday, September 11, 2023

monday 11




.dream, walking in mother's town, fence and road above, enter into golf

course like hallway, small hippo runs up and smells  me, runs away,


adolescent t.rex approaches, tiger 🐯 approaches as well, the t.rex allows the tiger to 

bite its throat, I'm so important and mean so much to the t.rex that it allowed the tiger

to bite its throat, small blue eyed cat, i leave, 



a.   me.      B fence and road above.             C. Golf ⛳ course hallway.   

D hippo.        E 🦖  t.rex.          f tiger.   



.end dream






In a house, I'm kneeling, hug a lady, a.s, hug 🤗  another lady, r.s,




.end dream






.guy's house in Hawaii, d.c, being remodeled,  something written on door 🚪,  can't make

. it out, small house, one story, cat 🙀 inside



.end dream 




🌼 daily events, 

.bicycle, rest, bean dip 




.7.    🕒       37.        3717.         717.          317.       



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