Sunday, September 17, 2023

sunday, 17

 sunday, 17



.yesterday's events: uphill bicycle ride 






. in brother's house, him and his wife are there, i take a shower, finish showering, follow 

brother into his house, brother has just bought a new door knob for seventy dollars, i'm 

holding the new door knob, looks edible, 


.i take a big bite out of the new door knob, it's bear meat wrapped up in edible sticks, i'd 

like to eat some more of this door knob but i put it in the door and lock it, good strong lock, 


.brother and his wife are in the kitchen, they're talking about all the money they've spent on 

various parts of the house, end scene, 


.i'm lying on the ground in the corner of a room, two brazilian native females are standing 

over me, these native brazilian women have assumed the spirit of a small brazilian bear, 


.one of the ladies has just learned to count in english, she's counting up from twenty, 

twenty, twenty one, all the way up to about thirty one or thirty two, she's pronouncing 

the numbers very slowly and carefully because she's just learned them, 


.one lady has two wooden drum sticks, as the numbers are being counted up, the lady 

is hitting me in the head with the two drum sticks, 

end dream



.a - shower                         b - porch 

c - door to brother's house 

d - door knob                     e - me by table 


f - brother                          g - brother's wife 

h - me on floor                   i - empty white plastic bucket 

j - two brazilian females 

k - drum sticks 




.image below: edible door knob detail 





.image below: scene with two brazilian native women detail 















.wake up


.park workout 







.    1           01         0141014        0         40        4       10441       41         401     




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