Thursday, September 28, 2023

thursday 28

thursday 28



.yesterday's events: lady feeding crows in the park 






. in apartment from college, early morning, guy (j.n) calls out to me from a different 

apartment, i'm supposed to be up by five am, it's five seventeen am, i over slept, 


.go into j.n's apartment, his girlfriend went to mcdonalds and got some breakfast 

sandwhiches, she's washing the sandwhiches in the sink, as she's washing the 

sandwhich, it's like i'm eating it, 

end dream 



.a - my apartment                                 b - other apartments 

c - me on porch                                    d - j.n's apartment 

e - j.n                                                     f - j.n's girlfriend 




.image below: breakfast sandwhich detail 







. friend's dad (k.s) in a room, he's confused, something was all lined up to be 'in phase' with 

a submarine, but something didn't work, end scene, 


.riding in a vehicle, pass by a large satellite dish, three long red antennas are all pointed in 

the same direction, this is the 'in phase' line up, pass by a large red and white construction 

crane on a track, 


.pass by another vehicle, in the vehicle is a navy guy, he has an air warfare or air crew 

insignia on his shirt, also some kind of new surface warfare pin, another guy in 

this vehicle also has the new surface warfare pin, 


.a guy is walking above some cliffs, this guy also has the new surface warfare pin, 

end scene, 


.in a clothing store, shirts on a rack, i like these kinds of shirts, the fabric has little indented 

squares, i pick out some shirts i like, some other guy has picked out a similar shirt, 

end scene, 


.in a house, lying on a couch, some guy lies on top of me, i push him off, some other guy enters 

room, a group of people are going outside, exciting, a chance to go outside, i jump up and 

run into a back room to get my shoes, get my shoes, getting the laces ready, blue, 

more like dental floss than shoe laces, 

end dream 



.a - k.s                                         b - satellite 

c - crane                                      d - vehicle 

e - navy guy with air insignia in vehicle 


f - guy with surface insignia 

g - guy with surface insignia above cliff 

h - me in clothing store                 i - some guy 


j - me on couch                             k - guy i push off me 

l - guy (possibly friend, s.c)         m - door 

n - getting my shoes ready 




.image below: satellite and crane detail 





.image below: navy shirt with new surface warfare insignia detail 





.image below: shoes detail 











.wake up


.park workout 




.corner store 



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